Welcome To The New Site!


Hello everyone and welcome to the new Car Obsession website. I hope you like what you see so far, although I am still in the process of loading up my historic articles – 750 odd – which will take some time. This is because I need to do it manually – long story – and it will be a rather painful but worthwhile task.

I’m expecting teething problems so if something doesn’t work fear not, but if you could let me know that would be great as I may not know about the problem on my my end. It has been a long process to change over from my last site, built by Wix, to this one, which is now on WordPress.

Why The Change?

The reason for the change is because the site is almost a year old and I wanted a revamped look and a platform that gives more flexibility and potential. I’m hope the site looks more polished whilst still maintaining the parts from the last site I liked.

Special Thanks

This has not been an easy process and although I’m quite techy, I would not have been able to do this alone. So with that in mind I’d like to thank David Kelly at OY!Domains who has been very patient with my constant questions, Paul Hadley at Motor Verso for his advice and input and lastly my wife for putting up with endlessly working away on the website every night.

But enough from me, go an enjoy the site! The rest of my articles will be added sporadically but as soon as possible.


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