Tips On Turning Your Car Into A Camper


A lot of people love being outdoors, having adventures, and exploring nature. But, not everyone can afford to have an RV or a camper van. Luckily, there are ways to turn your car into a camper so you can start your outdoor adventure without even needing a tent.

Why Should You Camp In Your Car?

Below are the reasons why car camping is a good idea you should try:

  • It’s Cheap: Converting your car into a camper is less expensive than buying an actual campervan.
  • It Gives You Freedom: Since your car is now also a micro-motorhome, you have all the freedom to explore places you want to go to.
  • It’s Multifunctional: Your car can be your go-to car during weekdays. On weekends, you can use it as your fun mobile to take you on your camping adventures.
  • You Can Stealth Camp: You can park almost anywhere for camping.
  • It’s A Great Adventure: Explore and find yourself in new places.

Car To Camper Conversion Tips

The following are tips you should know about when it comes to turning your car into a micro-motorhome you can use for your camping trips:

Assess Your Vehicle

To start off, you should know what kind of vehicle you are working with. Do you currently have a big, spacious car? Or a small one that has limited space? Either way, it is possible to convert almost any car into a camper.

A big car can be easily turned into a camper since you have a lot of space to work with. However, if you have a smaller car, you shouldn’t be discouraged. Smaller cars are also an advantage since it provides better gas mileage.

Whatever type of vehicle you have, take a look at the car’s space once the back seats are laid down. If you think there is enough space for an individual to be horizontal, it would be best to include a bed. If you are unable to do so, you can always make use of rooftop tents.

Decide On A Layout

After evaluating the space and capacity of your vehicle, it’s time to decide on a layout. To help you make a decision, it would be best to ask yourself these questions:

Do You Need A Storage Space Inside Your Car?

If yes, then what do you plan to store inside? You should know that the lesser things you keep inside the car, the more room there is for yourself. Having an attachable rooftop storage box can be pretty great when saving space. You can make use of them in addition to the storage you plan to build as part of your bed platform.

How Many People Will Be Sleeping In This Space?

If several people plan to join you on your camping trip, it will help if you include a bigger bed space.

How Long Will You Be On The Road?

If you plan to live on the road for quite some time, you might need extra comfort. This means investing more on your resting area, the bed. However, if you are just planning to use the car for a weekend camping trip, a bed that isn’t so plush can help you get by.

Build Your Platform

If you don’t want to build a platform bed, you can skip this tip. You can find inspiration by searching the internet for platform designs. Those who have carpentry skills will find this one as an easy build.

You can begin by measuring the interior length of the area you plan to place your mattress. To maximize your space, you can opt to adjust the car seats forward. However, make sure you still have room left for comfortable driving.

You can then proceed to measure the height and width. Once that is done, you can start the actual build. Furthermore, if you think this process is quite challenging, you can always choose to rent an RV or buy one through RV loans.

Car Camping Essentials You Should Take Note

To ensure everything will run smoothly on your next camping trip, it is best to check these essentials:


You have a few options for camping organizers. If you chose to build a platform bed, chances are you have plenty of room for storage underneath. Moreover, if your bed doesn’t take too much space, you can opt to make a storage nook.

The following are some things you might want to consider keeping nearby:

  • Personal hygiene kits;
  • Book;
  • Headlamps;
  • Others.


If you plan to be on the road for quite some time, it will help if you consider solar panels. Aside from saving the environment, solar panels can help keep your gasoline and propane costs down. Furthermore, installing this product is not hard as you think it is.


If you plan to camp during cold weather, it would be best to bring things that will keep you cozy during the night. You can prepare some comfy camping slippers, multilayered bed insulations, and extra blankets.


Pillows, blankets, and lighting are some examples you can use to accessorize your car. In doing so, always make sure to keep all things clean and tidy. Remember, a small space can feel way bigger if you keep it clean.

Additional Car Camping Tips

The following are some tips you should consider to help you start your car camping adventure:

  • Plan your camping trip wisely: It would be better to camp during summer or springtime.
  • Bring a first aid kit: Packing a first aid kit can help you in case you encounter some injuries during your car camping trip.
  • Amp up your water supply: Some camping destinations don’t have enough water supply. Take twice as much water you need to ensure you’ll stay hydrated and clean no matter what.
  • Pack lots of food: Don’t forget to pack lots of food. A well-fed camper is a happy camper.


Car camping is the new #vanlife. Of course, van life is awesome. However, it can be very expensive, and not everyone can afford it. So, why not convert your car into a camper instead? It is a cheaper and practical alternative that lets you enjoy outdoor fun.

Author Bio

Lauren Cordell is a freelance writer who specializes in finance. She shares ways on how to make your camping adventure possible without hurting your pocket. In her free time, she explores new places and enjoys being outdoors.


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