Tips for Learning to Drive in Your Own Car


Most people, when they’re learning to drive for the first time will choose to do so in their instructor’s vehicle, but although this is perfectly adequate, that vehicle might be much different from the car they plan to drive once they have a license.

It can definitely be beneficial to learn how to drive in your own car, if only so that you will be more familiar with the controls and the car when you go out on the open road alone for the first time than you would be learning in your instructor’s car.

If you want to practice driving in your own car, here’s what you need to know:

You Will Need Insurance

When you learn to drive in an instructor’s car, you will be covered by their insurance policy, but this isn’t the case if you learn to drive in your own vehicle. If you choose to do this, you will need to sort out your own insurance policy, and depending on your age and circumstances, this could be expensive.

Your Car Will Need to Be in Good Shape

If you want to take driving lessons in your own car, then it should go without saying that your car will need to be in very good condition. Before your first lesson, you should take it to a reputable garage and have them service it, ensuring that they check everything from the tyre pressure, using a tpms to the safety of the brakes. This is important, not only for your safety and the safety of your instructor, but for your confidence too. If you were to breakdown or have an accident early in your learning career, it could shatter your confidence and make you shaky in the road for months to come, making it more difficult for you to learn and successfully pass your test.

Practicing Without an Instructor

If you want to use your car to practice driving even when you haven’t booked a lesson with an instructor, you will need to ensure that the person taking you out for a lesson is at least 21 years old. They will also need to have had a full driving license for a minimum of 3 years, and you should always check that they are sober, have not taken drugs recently and are fully capable of operating a vehicle before you go out.


Before you can take your own car out on the road, you will need to ensure that as well as having the relevant insurance, your vehicle is fully taxed and has an up-to-date MOT. No driver, whether they are fully qualified or a learner, should be out on the road with either of these things in place as it is illegal to drive a car without them.

Additionally, as a learner driver, you will need to fit L plates to your car, so that other road users know that you are driving with a provisional license. This will signal that they need to give you some slack and could help to prevent any nasty altercations on the road.


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