Home Car Topics Five cars to impress your date, according to Memigo  

Five cars to impress your date, according to Memigo  

Volkswagen Golf GTI TCR
The flat-bottomed wheel features a red centre stripe inspired by the world of motorsport - I like that.

First impressions are crucial in many situations. Meeting one’s prospective soulmate is no exception. A vehicle is a vital element in a gentleman’s image, and it should be chosen wisely. Regardless of whether you own the ride or hire it, not every flashy car is guaranteed to ensure a second date. Discover top 5 passenger cars that will boost your personal charm.

If you do not have a candidate to impress yet, Memigo is here to help. Its reviews of the best hookup sites are thorough and reliable. Compare pricing, quality of tools and profiles, as well as security features. With top recommendations from the platform, you are bound to find a dating site that meets your needs and connects you to the best matches in the area. Go for it! And once you fix up a date, be sure to consult the following list of the most romantic transportation.

5. Ford Mustang Convertible

This vehicle is acceptable, albeit not stunning, means of transport for a first date. The Convertible version is enhanced, so go for it. Car engines are hardly relevant for romantic evenings, but if you suddenly decide to leave your date, driving home in the V8 will be enjoyable. 

Ford Mustang GT

4. Citroen C4 Cactus

This peculiar crossover is a strong contestant. In its automatic version, the front seats turn into a bench, which is handy for taking a pleasant date a bit further. Another advantage is the spacious glovebox that can be loaded with food and drinks. Why not surprise your prospective partner with an impromptu picnic under the stars? Make sure to fill it with some food aphrodisiacs before heading off to a date.

Citroen C4 Cactus 2018

3. Maserati Quattroporte

A pricey Italian car is no universal recipe for success. It is easy to get the whole thing wrong if you show up in a flashy Ferrari or Lamborghini. Some ladies may suspect that you are covering up some hidden inadequacies. On the other hand, a four-door Maserati is perfect. A Quattroporte may help you skip right to the “do you want to come inside for a coffee” moment.

2. Volkswagen GTI

This Golf GTI hatchback may be called the automotive equivalent of the little black dress. Suited to any occasion, it is pleasing to the eye and very comfy. Opt for the impressive three-door version. The five-door Volkswagen is only appropriate for a family outing.

Volkswagen Golf GTI TCR

1. Tesla Model S

Possession of an electric vehicle characterizes you as an eco-conscious person. This is attractive for many ladies, as it means acting responsibly for the sake of a higher goal. Besides, the need for a charging station gives a legit excuse to visit a darkened car park without sending out the wrong signals.

These are some of the best choices for first date transportation. Never disregard the importance of a good car. A romantic occasion requires something adventurous but comfy, not large family-type vehicles or flamboyant rides.



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